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The Concerts For Earth Foundation’s mission is to educate young minds around the world on environmental issues, from ecology and conservation to clean energy technologies and green living by creating a leading edge Ecology/Green Tech Institute in Costa Rica called "Jungle Camp", who’s purpose is to bring young people from around the world of many ages to study ecology in the rainforest upclose. A learning environment where kids can research nature in it’s full dynamic range in the setting of the jungles, volcanoes, tropical reefs and rain forests of Costa Rica.


Costa Rica produces 100% of it’s energy from renewable sources. Truly a country on the leading edge of implementing eco policy in the world as well as having incredible nature. Jungle Camp would be like Nasa’s space camp, but rather than astronauts we would be developing a global network of green thinking leaders in the private and public sectors. Courses at our Institute would cover the diverse eco-­system of Costa Rica’s unique wilderness, as well as green technologies, climate sciences and marine ecology. Through experiencing the energy of the jungle and the passion of education, we believe that it will make a deep and lasting impression that can change a young persons mind and put them on the right track regarding the environment.


These students then take this education back to their own countries and implement this thinking year after year, thus creating many generations of eco-­friendly thinkers around the world. As well as themselves being an investment for our future as a unifying force in a world in need of peace and innovation for all.


The Concerts For Earth Foundation will raise international “green” awareness through producing a series of world premiere concert events that will be powered with clean energy. It is our mission that The Concerts For Earth Foundation will create leaders for the people of the world that will inspire and forge a clean energy platform for our civilization’s collective future and bring everyone a cleaner more natural way to live by educating the young minds of the Earth.

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